Skyline Trail

If you’ve ever dreamed of capturing Mount Rainier bathed in golden light, framed by wildflower meadows and distant volcanic peaks, the Skyline Trail is your ticket to photographic bliss. Just be ready to share your tripod space with a curious marmot or squirrel or two.

The Lay of the Land

The Skyline Trail is the crown jewel of Mount Rainier National Park’s Paradise area. This 5.5-mile loop offers photographers an all-you-can-shoot buffet of alpine scenery, dramatic waterfalls, and sweeping vistas. You’ll gain about 1,700 feet in elevation, so prepare for some huffing and puffing between shutter clicks. The best time to visit? Summer through early fall, when the trail is snow-free, the wildflowers are in full bloom, and the marmots are at their most photogenic.

Photo-Worthy Stops Along the Trail

Wildflowers: The wildflower meadows between the start of the trail and Myrtle Falls are stunning! You can also photograph the other mountains, as well as cute wildlife. Just watch your snacks!

Myrtle Falls (0.4 miles in) – If you’re worried about making it up the whole trail, don’t panic—you can still snag an iconic shot just a short walk from the trailhead. Myrtle Falls cascades gracefully over a rocky ledge, with Mount Rainier towering in the background. It’s practically a postcard waiting to happen.

Really, the entire damn trail: Keep hiking upwards to Panorama Point, and the views somehow just keep getting better and better!

Panorama Point (2.2 miles in) – Aptly named, this viewpoint offers jaw-dropping vistas of the Cascade Range, with Mount Adams, Mount St. Helens, and even Mount Hood visible on clear days. Set up your tripod for some epic panoramic shots or snag a few wide-angle compositions before catching your breath (because yes, it’s a climb to get here).

High Skyline Trail Section (3 miles in) – This part of the trail feels like you’ve been teleported to another planet. Jagged ridges, rocky outcrops, and possibly a lingering snowfield make for dramatic landscape shots. Keep an eye out for pikas, the tiny, squeaky mountain dwellers who love to photobomb.

Flora, Fauna, and Photo Bombers

In summer, the Paradise area bursts with color, making it one of the best spots in the park for wildflower photography. But don’t get so caught up in the flowers that you forget about the park’s wildlife! Marmots are the unofficial greeters of the Skyline Trail, and you’ll likely spot them lounging on rocks or striking a pose. Mountain goats, black bears, and deer also make occasional appearances, so keep your zoom lens handy.

The Skyline Trail at Mount Rainier is a dream location for any photographer looking to capture the raw beauty of the Pacific Northwest. Whether you’re snapping dramatic landscapes, vibrant wildflowers, or a chubby marmot mid-yawn, you’re bound to walk away with memory cards full of magic. Just remember to stop and enjoy the view every now and then—sometimes the best shots are the ones you take with your own two eyes.

Oh - And definitely train your calves before tackling this beast. You’ll thank me!