Mt. Rainier National Park (5/5): Skyline Trail

My window in the Paradise Lodge was facing south, which was the opposite direction of Mt. Rainier and the Skyline Trail. Looking south towards the Tatoosh Range, I could see that the clouds had not left, and were probably even more thick than the day before. I decided I would do the quick hike to Carter Falls on my way out, and then head home.

As I packed all my gear and started heading out to the car, I turned around in the parking lot so I could look in the general direction of Mt. Rainier.  While the Tatoosh Range to the south was completely clouded in, Mt. Rainier was crystal clear. Looks like we’re doing the Skyline Trail today, baby!!  To say I was excited would have been a HUGE understatement.

Mt. Rainier from the Paradise parking lot. Going to be an AWESOME day!

All the reviews I read online suggested to do the trail clockwise. Sure, why not!  But damn, be warned, the first 20-30 minutes are going to be TOUGH on your cardio and your quads. The views are amazing though!

Lots of golden mantled ground squirrels to keep you company.

The clouds had largely lifted to the south, meaning the other local Cascade Volcanoes were visible! Of course, there were Mt. Adams and Mt. St. Helens, and Mt. Hood was even visible.

Up we go, gotta keep hammering those quads!

I stopped a little bit past Panorama Point for my last photo op, and of course some food.

This was seriously an AWESOME hike, and I was so stoked I finally got to do it on such a perfect day. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

The clouds started rolling in on my way down, and it was supposed to snow at high elevations that night. Looks like I lucked out!

And finally, for you fitness buffs out there, here were my stats for the Skyline Trail:


Hobo Inn: Elbe, WA


Mt. Rainier National Park (4/5): Lower Skyline Trail